We Bring Our Lament to You

We bring our lament to You
This world loves lies and hates the truth
Throne rooms won’t let Your kingdom come
Governments won’t let Your will be done

Oh Jesus your name’s abused
Though the nations belong to You
Lord have mercy on us all
Give us the ears to hear Your call

We bring our lament to You
We have not done what You asked us to
Where are the tears that we should shed
Have we forgotten Your blood ran red

Oh Jesus our shepherd true
We have wandered away from You
Show us how far we have strayed
Help us return to You again

We bring our lament to You
Complete the work You started to do
And make us spotless for Your Son
The Spirit and the bride say “Come”

Oh Jesus our grace and truth
We will one day be wed to You
May we truly know Your grace
Helping us run to finish the race

© 2023 JG Songs, CCLI Song # 7214729

Written as a submission for Resound Worship’s Songs of Lament & Songs of Hope album project.

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