Take Heart

In this world, we will have trouble
In this world, we will have pain
But take heart, He’s overcome the world
He’s coming back again

We will press on (Come Lord Jesus)
When our faith is weak (Come Lord Jesus)
And by His Spirit, we will have His peace
(Come Lord quickly come)
When we are weak (Come Lord Jesus)
Know that He is strong (Come Lord Jesus)
And by His Spirit, we will overcome
(Come Lord quickly come)

© 2023 JG Songs, CCLI Song # 7210187

Back in November 2022, I was part of a writers’ week in Wales with Resound Worship songwriters. Joel Payne challenged us all to go away and write a song and come back in 10 minutes and sing it to everyone. We’d just had a devotion based on the end of John chapter 16. I took that and got the first section of this song at that point. I later added the first half of the second part when singing it with members of our church. When I came to record the song, I added the last part and the second part that sings over it.

It was particularly meaningful to me as I recorded it in the days following the Church of England’s Synod decision to bless same-sex couples and the resultant fallout in the church from that.

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